Principles of LifeForce
Increasing economic value for LifeForce is based on the production of contracted Primary Ecosystem Services which is the measured output of Oxygen, Carbohydrate and clean water recorded over time by participating agro ecologists and farmers worldwide.
Principle 1 - Recognize Photosynthesis as the Primary Ecosystem Service(PES) .
Principle 2 - Recognize the fact that PES production ceases at the death of Photosynthetic
Principle 3 - Recognize the fact that each species of plant has a unique growth curve for PB
Principle 4 - All LIFEFORCE treeUNITS registered must have a landowner C-PES
Principle 5 - All LIFEFORCE treeUNITS must be monitored for PB growth performance annually
through the C-PES term.
Principle 6 - All stakeholders should be made aware of the protocols.
Principle 7 - A C-PES verified contract would be the indicator of success of a given land
area at any stage of EarthRestoration.